Getting Here

Buses and Trains

Princesshay is conveniently situated close to both the bus and train stations in Exeter.

The bus and coach station is a 5 minute walk from the centre. When exiting via Princesshay Lane, simply turn right onto Paris Street and you will see the station. For more information on the bus services into the city click here.

Alternatively, Exeter Central train station is a 10 minute walk from the centre. When leaving the centre, head to Queen Street via the High Street and the station will be on your right. For more information on the train services into the city centre click here.

Traveline are a one-stop shop for train and coach travel bringing together routes, fares and journey times from more than 150 train and coach companies in 36 countries to help customers buy tickets and save time, hassle and money.

You can also plan your journey using Traveline South West or Journey Devon.

By Bike

Princesshay has 5 bike storage areas on site so why not plan your cycling trip now with Cycle Streets, a postcode to postcode journey planner for cycling trips.

The results it gives you will show you the fastest most direct route, but also the least trafficked route for less confident cyclists.  It will also show your journey time and elevation, calories burnt and more. Plan your bike journey here

By Car

If you need to drive, please use the Park & Ride service if at all possible. Honiton Road and Sowton P&R services bring you to Paris Street, from where you can walk straight into the top end of Princesshay.

Nearest postcodes for directions to the P&R:

  • Honiton Road P&R – EX2 7NL
  • Sowton P&R – EX2 5GL

Car parks

For more information on our car parks and prices please click here.

Hotels in Exeter

Wanting to extend your stay a little longer why not book an overnight stay?

Opt for a budget-friendly overnight stay with Travelodge